Saturday, 22 March 2008

Ashes to Ashes

Why am I posting so much all of a sudden? I dunno ... just feel I should put something up, leave me mark on the interweb, though nobody actually reads this blog, and nobody knows who I am ... oh well, anyway ...

Being a big Life on Mars fan that I am, I decided to start watching Ashes to Ashes, and I have to say, Gene Hunt is just a fantastically fun character to watch. Just gold!!

Here's a trailer:

I have to say, I'm enjoying the music as always. For me, the '70s music in Life on Mars is more my sorta music, but there's nothing like '80s music to bring back the good old memories of shoulder pads and too much mascara!!

This video features The Clash with I Fought The Law. Can I say "gold" again??? =)

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